Monday 24 June 2013

How Anger Hurts Your Heart

As the heart symbolises LOVE and COMPASSION, our ANAHATA chakra, the sound vibration of YAM, the home of the Lotus, the element of air, and often associated with the healing colour of pink or rose- it plays a role in transforming ideas into physical reality and vica versa. It is the doorway from the lower physical realms into the higher energetic spiritual ones. Loving and kind thoughts of metta-giving will flow through and transform us through our heart centre. Unfortunately negative and unkind thoughts will harm and block us at the heart, causing physical ailments. So it is not surprising that research shows that the negative emotion of anger will harm our hearts. In Ayurveda it is suggested that chewing a cardoman pod will help dispel any anger from within. So we need to be aware, mindful, at peace and not re-active to external stimuli that will cause anger to arise. But if it does let it go and allow kindness to flow within the lotus of our hearts.
Have a read of this research article by clicking this link to see:-
How Anger Hurts Your Heart

Thursday 13 June 2013

Nutrients for a healthy heart, brain and bones

I have been doing some research online in journals and started reading up on the benefits of Vitamin K2 for health, such as keeping calcium out of our bones by helping it to go to where it is most needed- in our bones and teeth. I am sharing a video and more information on this topic from Dr Mercola's site for you to view. So click onto this link below:-