Thursday, 13 March 2014


Southern Centre of Natural Healing Newsletter
We are now well into 2014 and the beautiful season of Autumn. And here FINALLY is my first clinic newsletter for the new year.

The topic for this month is the Acid and Alkaline Balance for Health and Wellness.
I listened last year to an interview with historian and author Professor Iain Mc Calman on the ABC radio who described the Great Barrier Reef as having “coral osteoporosis “ due to the effects of global warming and rising acid levels in the sea. I thought this comment most accurate considering that we as a human species now commonly have osteoporosis in our bones. This can be due to the effects of acid load in our bodies from our too “acid” diets, physiological effects of stress –such as cortisol leaching calcium from our bones and build up of toxins that puts a load on our bodies elimination processes. We are part of this living world our earth “Gaia”, and what we experience in our bodies and minds is reflected in the environment as well as the reverse. So as we heal ourselves , we heal our planet.
All cells in our body involve chemical acid-base reactions. The correct pH balance is necessary for a healthy living organism to function properly. The pH refers to the potential for Hydrogen ions H+ to form acidity, which is a ph value below 7.0 (neutral) or alkalinity when the pH is above 7.0. Our normal blood pH is between a narrow range of 7.37 and 7.43 for correct physiological function. This is maintained by compensatory functions of the kidney, lungs and digestive systems. But many factors can impact on our body’s ability to buffer acid due to decreased renal function as we age, diet, stress, toxic overload, medications, poor breathing and reduced cell oxygenation, and disease.
If our bodies carry an over acid load we will experience disease such as arthritis, fatigue, fluid retention, joint and muscle pains, itchy skin conditions, poor concentration and osteoporosis.
Our diets have become more acid forming with the over consumption of highly processed foods such as sugars & white flour products; too much protein, soft drinks, alcohol and the ever increasing levels of stress that we exposed to in this busy, polluted world of technology, noise and artificial light. How often do we relax, breathe deeply and correctly to help release tension & detoxify ourselves ? Do we get time to sit quietly by the sea or by the trees in a forest ?
So as modern humans, ourselves and our earth can suffer from disharmony due to over acidity. But we can regain balance again and return to a healthy constitution by eating more vegetables & fruit; drinking plenty of water; exercising regularly by walking, tai chi, dancing, yoga; enjoying nature and social time spent sharing with others.
As a natural health practitioner I can assist you:-
  • By determining your acid load using the Mineral Priority Index to help you understand your current acid load.
  • Doing a specific Matrix Evaluation test that involves simple urine and saliva ph measurements to ascertain which is the best treatment protocol for you .
  • I will provide you with a comprehensive and specific food chart that very simply shows you which acid forming foods to eat less of and which alkaline forming foods to eat more of.
Here is a start for you towards a more alkaline and more relaxed you with this drink recipe:-
Blender Greens
1 cucumber, roughly chopped
1 big handful spinach
2 kale leaves
1 handful fresh mint
few sprigs fresh parsley
juice of one lemon or lime
250-275mls coconut water or alkaline/filtered water-adjust as necessary
optional extras: fresh ginger root, dandelion leaves, lemon grass, other herbs like dill or coriander, chard, baby greens, sprouts, bok choy, zucchini, celery.
Place all ingredients in blender and process on high until smooth and not very thick. This is ideal when it is a thinner consistency. Pour into your favourite glass and flood your body with this alkaline goodness. Repeat as often as you can with a variety of alkalizing green veggies

Upcoming Clinic Events
  • GUIDED RELAXATION & MEDITATION sessions are on again this year on most Wednesdays from 2 to 3pm starting on 5 March. No cost to attend unless you want to offer a small donation for remedies for the Sacred Heart Mission clinic. Please let me know if you intend joining us.
  • LOOK, TALK AND AFTERNOON TEA AT THE HERB GARDEN at the Royal Melbourne Botanical Gardens on Saturday 22 March between 2 and 4pm.
  • Showing of the documentary film FOOD MATTERS at a time to suit, so please let me know if you are interested.
  • ZING INTO LIFE SERIES of 3 talks/ workshops starting once a month from April on a Wednesday afternoon. I will be discussing how you can improve your energy and health with foods, herbs and lifestyle support techniques. These will be held at the Mordialloc Community Centre.
  • A SOCIAL GET TOGETHER FOR LUNCH at a local Bayside cafĂ©.
More information about these events will be coming closer to the dates or follow me on my face book page at to register your interest, book your place and keep updated about these and more health news.